BEVA Baby: A Companion for Kids

Designing a Toy that Tells Stories and Sings Songs

Kids need companions as they grow, and toys alone may not satisfy all their learning needs. That's where BEVA Baby comes in. Designed by Dongping Zheng, this innovative toy can tell stories and sing songs, providing entertainment and education for children. But what sets BEVA Baby apart from other toys on the market? Let's take a closer look.

BEVA Baby is designed to be a true companion for kids. It can sing songs, tell stories, and even give hugs. The buttons on the toy are distributed in different areas based on their functions. The "Next" and "Mode" buttons, which are frequently used by kids, are placed on the earphone as big shining stars. This design allows children to press them easily and unconsciously, enhancing their interaction with the toy.

On the other hand, buttons like "Volume" and "Favorite" are designed smaller and located on the side of the earphone, primarily for the use of parents. This ensures that parents can easily adjust the volume or mark a story or song as a favorite. Rarely used buttons, such as "Bluetooth," are placed at the bottom of the toy, keeping them out of the way.

One of the unique features of BEVA Baby is its seamless design. The speaker is cleverly integrated into the belly of the toy, creating a seamless look that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. This design choice ensures that the speaker faces the kids directly, providing clear and immersive sound.

When it comes to production, BEVA Baby benefits from the advancements in plastic injection molding technology. This process allows for a higher and more controllable production yield rate, ensuring consistent quality and efficiency.

With dimensions of 173mmX158mmX143mm, BEVA Baby is the perfect size for young children to hold and interact with comfortably. Its cute appearance and mid-range volume make it appealing to kids, while its safe design ensures that there are no sharp edges or easily detachable parts that could pose a risk.

The development of BEVA Baby involved extensive research and user feedback. The design team conducted phone interviews with parents to understand their preferences and usage patterns. They also conducted user research to gather insights on desired features and functionalities. Additionally, research was conducted at the product level to ensure the selection of suitable materials, molds, and speakers that met manufacturing requirements.

Creating BEVA Baby came with its fair share of challenges. The design team had to experiment with different structures for the sound outlet and conduct various tests to achieve the desired sound quality. Safety was also a top priority, and the team ensured that the toy had no sharp or easily detachable parts that could harm children.

The BEVA Baby project started in December 2014 and was completed in October 2015 in Shenzhen. Its innovative design and functionality have been recognized with the Iron A' Design Award in the Baby, Kids, and Children's Products category in 2018. This prestigious award is given to well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements.

BEVA Baby is not just a toy; it's a companion that engages, entertains, and educates children. With its storytelling and singing capabilities, this innovative design brings joy and learning to young minds.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: AZ Industrial Design Co.,Ltd
Image Credits: AZ Industrial Design Co.,Ltd
Project Team Members: AZ Industrial Design Co.,Ltd
Project Name: Beva Baby
Project Client: AZ Industrial Design Co.,Ltd

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